Welcome to The Neuropreneur

The Neuropreneur E-Marketplace is a unique platform designed to bring together businesses, supporters, and entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the lives of neurodivergent individuals. This marketplace will showcase a wide variety of services, products, and expertise from businesses that contribute to the Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Academy.

Whether your business specializes in blinds, accounting, digital services, or education, you can be part of a powerful initiative that directly supports students aged 7-16, their parents, and teachers with essential resources, specialist support, and courses.

Benefits for Businesses

By being part of the Neuropreneur E-Marketplace, businesses gain:

Exposure to a Targeted Audience:

Reach individuals, schools, and organisations seeking solutions for neurodivergent individuals.

Positive Branding:

Your business shows its commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of neurodivergent students, a message that resonates with a wider audience.

Networking Opportunities:

Connect with other supportive businesses and entrepreneurs to grow your impact and influence.

Visibility on Multiple Platforms:

Businesses will be featured on the Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Academy’s website, across social media, and in the Neuropreneur Marketplace index.

How the Marketplace Works

Any business or entrepreneur that wants to support the Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Academy and gain visibility for their services can be listed in the Neuropreneur E-Marketplace. The key purpose of this marketplace is to create a community of supporters—whether they offer products or services directly related to neurodivergence or simply want to support the cause.

The Process for Listing:

  • Step 1: Businesses submit an application detailing their services or products and their willingness to contribute to the Academy. While their services don’t need to be directly linked to neurodiversity, the focus is on their desire to support the cause.

  • Step 2: Once approved, businesses are featured in the Neuropreneur E-Marketplace Index with a description of their services, contact information, and links to their website.

  • Step 3: In return for listing, businesses make a contribution to the Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Academy to help fund its programs, ensuring ongoing support for students and teachers.

Contribution Model

To create a sustainable and flexible approach for businesses of all kinds:
Monthly Contribution:
A recurring, affordable monthly fee for businesses to maintain an active listing and ensure continuous exposure.
One-Off Contribution:
A one-time, larger fee for businesses that prefer not to commit to ongoing payments but still wish to show their support and gain visibility.

Let's Get Started! Click Here to Start Your Application: