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Comprehension Superstars

Comprehension Superstars is an online program to help children expand their vocabulary, improve their comprehension and prepare for Y6 Reading SATs. Suitable for all Y5 and Y6 children, including those working below expectations.

Lessons focus on 
Challenging words are taught using memorable pictures and engaging sentences. Words are repeated in subsequent lessons to ensure they are learnt.

Reading comprehension improves by increasing vocabulary and the ability to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Interactive activities teach all the terminology in the national curriculum in detail. E.g Alliteration, passive tense and adverbials.

Challenging words are taught using memorable pictures and engaging sentences. Words are repeated in subsequent lessons to ensure they are learnt.

Teaches shades of Meaning. E.g good, excellent, tremendous and exceptional are all synonyms, but are subtly different.

Sample questions help children practise for Year 6 SATs. All SAT question styles are covered, including understanding and inference.