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Word Wasp Literacy Programme


Online Support Network

Katie Nelson

Founder and Specialist Teacher 

Nicola Cook

Word Wasp Literacy Consultant & Coach
Join us in this previous Expert Coffee Morning chat as we explore the Word Wasp Literacy Programme for reading and spelling and how you can use this to support your child in the home setting.

What's included?

  • Coffee Morning  Expert Webinar
  • Access to our ask the expert link
  • Parent support, ask a question via our WhatsApp chat group

Become empowered to support your child

You will gain an introduction to the Word Wasp Literacy reading and spelling programme and how you can work through this programme at home or within the school setting. 

Parent Chat

 You will be able to join in the parent chat, ask each other questions about this resource and be a part of a supportive network of parents.
Meet the Expert

Nicola Cook

Nicola is a Word Wasp Literacy Coach, who has worked alongside the creators of the programme for the last 10 years. Working closely with the authors on a daily basis has enabled Nicola to digest their knowledge and expertise and apply solid/proven teaching practices to struggling readers and spellers, including those diagnosed with dyslexia. She predominately works with children aged 7+ but the programme works just as well with adults too.
Nicola works with her learners on a 1-1 basis using the Wasp as a literacy intervention; independently within a school setting 2 afternoons a week but most of her coaching sessions are now held virtually via zoom.
Alongside her commitment to improving her own student’s literacy outcomes, Nicola guides schools who are looking to implement Wasp as an intervention and is always available to answer any questions/queries and help parents whilst on their Wasp journey.

Patrick Jones - Course author