Virtual Coffee Morning
Access only available to Specialist Members Below
You can find the information on the next Coffee & Learn Session and the timetable of all our events including upcoming Coffee & Learn Sessions here
The Live stage below is where you will be able to watch this on the day and time of the next Coffee & Learn Session. Specialist Members scroll down and enter. You don't need any fancy tech to access and you won't be visible on camera but you can type in questions and join in the chat if you wish.
Replay will be available in the Live Stage below until the next coffee morning.
The Live stage below is where you will be able to watch this on the day and time of the next Coffee & Learn Session. Specialist Members scroll down and enter. You don't need any fancy tech to access and you won't be visible on camera but you can type in questions and join in the chat if you wish.
Replay will be available in the Live Stage below until the next coffee morning.
Live Stage Coffee Lounge
Come and join us in the Coffee Lounge with this month's guest expert. Link will only work on the day of the event below.